"Since having Ashley June as my coach, my total revenue has been over $100,000."

Before you book a call, make sure you are...

Ready to financially invest (I'm a homeschool mom who works 5-15 hours a week and I don't spend time on calls with women who are just not ready).

Understand that I don't do scholarships or give away the program for free. If you don't pay, you don't value it :).

Know that it's not my job to convince you - that's between you and the Lord (+ possibly your spouse). And you should be SO EXCITED about jumping in that you are ready to say YES!

Going to show up on time and not miss the call because you are a responsible woman of your word who honors others.

Needing the call to ask a few questions, want to see if we are a good fit and will be ready to invest the day of your call!


xoxo, Ashley June

P.S. Fill out the below form and I will send you my call calendar after verifying we're a good fit! I only take calls a few days a week so will get that over ASAP :).